road sign 535s

Lanes and directions of traffic

indicates the number of lanes for trackless vehicles on one side of the direction of traffic or on the entire road up to the nearest intersection or up to a place where an access road to an area adjacent to the road intersects a road and, at an intersection or place where an access road to an area adjacent to the road intersects a road, the direction of traffic to be followed in each lane. Signs or symbols thereof that prohibit the traffic of certain vehicles, designate minimum or maximum speed limits or provide information on any other peculiarities of the road traffic rules in a respective lane may be represented on the arrows of signs beginning with 53. The background of signs beginning with 53 placed outside built-up areas is blue with white arrows and border. Sign 535s indicates to the directions of traffic in lanes on a road with three of more lanes, if sides of the direction of traffic have a different number of lanes